Monday, February 17, 2003

Where do you go once you have reached an understanding? When everything has been said that has to be said, is this what you call the point of no return? Things changed last night for someone and I, Communication that is what happened. It can be the best thing in the world or not depending on what is being communicated. No matter when is being said communication is always something that needs to be done
Sometimes I find it quite ironic because the more we talk the more we think about things we shouldn't necessarily think about!
I don't really know what is going on with this person and our talk just consisted of an apology, which is a great basis to continue communication. You see in the past communication and I were never really used in the same sentence a positive way. I am not one to talk and if you don't know me outside of Bethany's world then for me to open up to you takes time.
At this particular point in time communication seems to be the main thing on my mind, I realize that in all situations I am in now or trying to re establish I need to say exactly how I feel as not to lead the other person on. A great friend of Johns is here right now, Juliana.. We have had a chance to talk (especially since she is staying in my room) She is wise in giving me advice, and the main point that is always said in "Communication" (sigh)
Why do we all struggle with this...Our lives are based on communication with people... yet it is the hardest this to do in a friendship/relationship....
I just want to ask you as my readers for prayer that God can work in this part of my life, to help me communicate better with those who really want to know who I am. With this I leave you be, Have an awesome day and tell someone one you appreciate them today!



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