Sunday, October 16, 2005

Philemon, small book - big message

Philemon had a slave who had stolen some property and run away, when Paul met Onesimus (the slave) in prison he then became Christian. Paul wrote to Philemon telling him to welcome his returning slave as a Christian brother, and not as a thief. Your probably wondering what the heck the connection is.... well... I have sat even in chapel wondering why I am not going up to the alter, not wanting to follow or just do it cause other are, I even know sometimes I have passed up the opportunity when I know God is calling me, just because....I am so thankful we have been called by Him, to follow Him. In a way we are so much like Onesumis the slave.... we do these odd things, commit sin, or reject Him calling on our hearts (even though we are Christians, training in ministry, and leaders) but just like Onesimus did.... we repent and turn to the Lord and cry out for His love.... and because of Grace we are cleansed and all our sins are washed away..... We then make ourselves available to Him to be used. Not knowing how or what will happen to us, but we make ourselves Available to ANYthing He has for us. Making ourselves Available to be Onesimus which means 'useful, Once a sinner now a Christian available to God!!!! This is the same Journey the Lord has been taking me on ever since the beginning of my internship. I need to take that step up, need to become thirsty enough and not put a human cap on it because I am scared but let it overflow from me into others. I need to not say no and let myself be stretched. Once we do that, make ourselves fully available....Whoa then crazy amazing things happen!!!

Lately I have been learning a tone from the Scriptures things are speaking to me like never before. I truly know during this time the Lord is using His living words to prepare me, and speak to me. It is so exciting and makes me crave so much more of His word.

Okay, and on a crazy last note... I am so going to Maine in four sleeps and I am so excited. I am going to see Lor, Amy, and Robert!!!!I will definately post pictures and amusing adventures for you next week!


At 9:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe I'll take some pictures of our weekend of babysitting adventures.

Oh, and Friday night Lor and I have decided that we're going to watch The Terminal, she's never seen it. It's a done deal.

At 9:06 PM, Blogger Angela said...

Kate, just wanted to let you know I miss you! I hope you are doing well...


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